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Smart and Kids Safe Quarter Horse.

This is an extremely user friendly gelding that is very comfortable to ride. Whether you’re a beginner or have just been out of the saddle awhile, this gelding will take care of you. He’s one handed broke and works off of leg pressure well. His trot and lope are very comfortable and easy to sit, and he side passes both directions with ease as well. If you’re wanting to just go down the trail, you can let him have three foot of rein and not have to worry about him taking advantage of it. He’s great at keeping an even tempo in all gaits and has a more “whoah” than “go” attitude! Copper has packed everyone from experienced cowboys to the youngest ones just learning what left and right mean. He’s a super fun guy to ride as he’s willing to do what’s asked, loves going for a swim, and even rides bareback in halter – PERFECT for the summertime weather we’re fixing to experience if you want to take a dip into the pond! Copper is a complete gentleman on the ground and ground ties for most everything. He stands patiently for grooming/saddling/bridling, stands for you to mount, and basically picks up his feet for you as well. He’s an extremely kind gelding with an enormous heart that just wants to please. Copper takes prosperity well too. We’ve gotten on him after being penned up for three weeks on all you can eat free choice alfalfa with no prior warm up and he never so much as tossed his head. This is the kind of gelding that you can throw anyone on and never have to question if they’ll be okay. He has no bad habits, stalls well, is extremely easy to catch, and gets along with everyone in the herd from mares to weanlings to miniature ponies. Copper does toe in slightly on the front end. It in no way has ever effected his soundness and he does not need any special shoeing or maintenance to stay comfortable and sound.

Enter a ZIP code to find nearby veterinarians (currently germany only):

Pferdepraxis Dr. Hassenbürger

Hütte 3
58135 Hagen

Dr. Heinrich-Georg Hassenbürger

Fixed Phone +49(0)2331/902625 ‎

Distance ~ 50 km

Tierklinik Wiesbaden

Schreberweg 19
65191 Wiesbaden

Dres. Litsch & Eversfield

Fixed Phone +49(0)611/502013

Distance ~ 52 km

Tiergesundheitszentrum Aggertal

Hammerwerk 10
53797 Lohmar - Wahlscheid

Dr. J. Gawda

Fixed Phone +49(0)2206/910410

Distance ~ 69 km

Tierärztliche Klinik für Pferde Cronau

Nevelstr. 71
44795 Bochum

Dr. med. vet. Marc A. Cronau

Fixed Phone +49(0)234/94332-0

Distance ~ 79 km

Pferdeklinik Leichlingen

Am Further Weiher 1
42799 Leichlingen

Dres. Krebs, Nolting, von Plato

Fixed Phone +49(0)2175/88455-0

Distance ~ 83 km

Tierärztliche Praxis für Pferde Ratingen

Am Rosenbaum 24
40882 Ratingen

Dr. Thomas Sander & Dr. Martin Gundel

Fixed Phone +49(0)2102/100480-0

Distance ~ 91 km

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Quarter Horse


Leisure Riding






14.3 hh (Final)


11 years (*2013)


$ 14.000

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Schooling Level







Riding Styles:

  • Ground Work
  • Western Riding

Special Abilities:

  • Easy to Ride
  • For Beginners
  • For Children and Teenagers




VET Check Available:


X-Ray Class:


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  Germany, 57439 Attendorn

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