The horse breeds directory currenlty contains 16 Thoroughbred Horse Breeds.
A Thoroughbred Horse Breeds with first letter A
American Standardbred
American Thoroughbred
Anglo Arabian Thoroughbred
Arabian Thoroughbred
B Thoroughbred Horse Breeds with first letter B
E Thoroughbred Horse Breeds with first letter E
Egyptian Arabian, Egyptian Horse
English Thorougbred
F Thoroughbred Horse Breeds with first letter F
French Trotter
I Thoroughbred Horse Breeds with first letter I
Iranian Thoroughbred
S Thoroughbred Horse Breeds with first letter S
Shagya Arab
Standardbred Horse
T Thoroughbred Horse Breeds with first letter T
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Briefly Introduced
French Trotter

The "French Trotter" (also known as Trotteur Français ) is a Purebred horse and has its origin in Normandy.
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