The horse breeds directory currenlty contains 40 Coldblood Horse Breeds.
A Coldblood Horse Breeds with first letter A
Altmärkisches Kaltblut
American Cream Draft Horse
B Coldblood Horse Breeds with first letter B
Belgian Coldblood
Black Forest Chestnut
C Coldblood Horse Breeds with first letter C
Comtois Horse
Czech Coldblood
F Coldblood Horse Breeds with first letter F
Freiberger Horse
H Coldblood Horse Breeds with first letter H
Hungarian Coldblood
I Coldblood Horse Breeds with first letter I
Italian Coldblood
J Coldblood Horse Breeds with first letter J
L Coldblood Horse Breeds with first letter L
Latvian Coldblood
M Coldblood Horse Breeds with first letter M
Mecklenburger Coldblood
N Coldblood Horse Breeds with first letter N
P Coldblood Horse Breeds with first letter P
Palatinate Ardenner
Poitevin Horse
Polish Draft Horse
Posavina Horse
R Coldblood Horse Breeds with first letter R
Rheinisch-Deutsches Kaltblut
Rhenish German Coldblood
Russian Heavy Draft
S Coldblood Horse Breeds with first letter S
Saxony Thuringian Coldblood
Skandinavischer Kaltbluttraber
Slovakian Coldblood
South German Coldblood
Soviet Heavy Draft
Swedish Ardennes
T Coldblood Horse Breeds with first letter T
W Coldblood Horse Breeds with first letter W
Westphalian Coldblood
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Briefly Introduced

The "Ardennes" is a Coldblood horse and has its origin in Belgium, Luxembourg and France.
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